A dental emergency is defined as uncontrolled bleeding, swelling, traumatic injury, or uncontrolled severe pain relating to the oral cavity.

In the event of a dental emergency, it is important to receive immediate attention.  Here are several options to consider:  Contact our office (209) 850-9229; Urgent Care; your local Emergency Room, or another dentist competent in emergency treatment.  Dr. Victor Pak (oral surgeon) (209)667-5050 and Dr. Eric Dixon (endodontist) (209)522-3422 are my severe pain specialist.  Please attempt to contact me first at the email below before reaching out to these specialist.

Our office will be closed May 11th, 2020 for 2-3 weeks due to state restrictions and nationwide shortages of personal protective equipment.  I am still available to all of you.  Please email me at in case of a true dental emergency.

For severe bleeding bite down on gauze or apply firm pressure to the area until a professional is able to take over.

For severe swelling where the orbit or airway are affected, antibiotics are more than likely needed.  Going to a local emergency room is highly recommended.

For severe pain (where OTC drugs aren’t sufficient), a prescription drug may be necessary.  As of October 2, 2018, all licensed prescribers must use The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES), maintained by the Department of Justice (DOJ).  It is a platform that tracks all Schedule II – IV controlled substances dispensed to patients in California.  Once the patient’s information is submitted, a written prescription can be dispensed if deemed necessary by the doctor.  Your general dentist, Urgent Care Facility, and Emergency Room can all assist with this.